Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Online Education: Riding High on Popularity Meter

According to some studies carried out by the survey groups, enrolment in the online courses has increased for the straight years in recent past. The Babson Survey Research group published a report, which surveyed more than 2, 500 colleges and universities, couple of years back.

Source : bit.ly/aBkW9Y
The study mentions that more than 6.1 million students participated in at least one online class in fall 2010. The survey group included those online courses which offer more than 80 percent content online without face-to-face interaction with instructors.

Source : bit.ly/14GBV4h
Online learning is certainly attracting a large number of students from across the world. A common belief spread throughout the world is that African countries over the years have failed to create favourable academic atmosphere for its students. To tackle such worries, World Bank has decided to splurge a sum of US $450 million on a few projects in Nigeria, for developing employment opportunities. Another reason cited for this huge investment is to improve quality of primary education in the West African countries.
Online distance education plays a key role in strengthening the higher education system of any country. The flexible characteristics and opportunity to earn a valuable degree have attracted many students towards the online learning. Nowadays, online distance learning degrees are a rage among students from across the globe.

Source : bit.ly/18rmWev

A Re-invented Approach Towards Academics

Though distance learning is not new in the education system but getting its due now. With a re-invented approach towards education, online distance learning has reached almost every nook and cranny in the world.

Source : bit.ly/1d2pkvL
Many colleges and universities have made online education an integral part of their academic curriculum. The chief academic officers of these colleges and universities report that online learning is vital for the long term strategy of any institution.

And, when it comes to reputation and popularity of online education, it continues to climb up the ladder. A huge number of academic professionals rate online education on a par or superior to traditional education system.

Growing Acceptance of Online Learning

The detractors of online education have very little to point out. The growing acceptance of online learning medium has made the recruiters value online degrees. In the present times, a major chunk of employers prefer to hire online degree holders into their organisations. The reasons attributed to this are the sheer competency level and approach towards work of online learners.
Source: bit.ly/13wSLiy
Also, the government have also realised the potential of online learning and encouraging students to take part in online education program. There are some world famous UK universities providing quality online learning to students across the world, including Nigeria and Caribbean nations.
Therefore, it’s time for you to take initiative and change your world by accepting online education program. 

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